Crack cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant derived from powdered cocaine. Crack cocaine is created when cocaine is mixed with water and ammonia or baking soda, then boiled until the mixture solidifies. The substance is usually distributed in the form of a rock, which is a broken-off chunk of the solidified substance. Most often, crack cocaine is smoked, though it can also be injected. 

Any amount of crack cocaine use is considered abuse because it is an illicit substance. If you or a loved one are struggling with crack cocaine addiction, it is important to be aware of the risks of use, and how to seek treatment. 

Dangers of Crack Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine in itself is already highly addictive— but crack cocaine is even more so. The effects of smoking crack cocaine are immediate and intense, but short-lived. This fleeting high, in combination with the drug’s drastic comedown, quickly produces a desire to use more and more of the substance. This creates a high potential for overdose. 

Crack cocaine has a number of harmful side effects, both short-term and long-term. In addition to typical detrimental effects of cocaine, such as increased body temperature, constricted blood vessels, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and risk of cardiac arrest and seizure, crack cocaine users may also experience acute respiratory issues, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and trauma to the lungs.

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

If an individual is addicted to crack cocaine, they will experience withdrawal symptoms if they attempt to abruptly quit using the drug. This is because the body has developed physical and psychological dependence. It is important to be aware of symptoms of withdrawal, as unsupervised withdrawal from drugs can be difficult to endure. 

Crack cocaine withdrawal symptoms may include: 

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Severe drug cravings
  • Irritability
  • Unpleasant dreams 
  • Psychosis 

The cycle of addiction can be difficult to break without professional help. Because withdrawal can be painful, many people continue using drugs even when they want to quit, because they want to avoid going through withdrawal. Fortunately, addiction detox centers and treatment centers offer comprehensive resources and support to those seeking help. 

Crack Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Depending on the stage of an individual’s addiction, they may require detox, an intensive treatment program, or both. Fortunately, Knoxville Recovery Center offers various services to those struggling with this addiction. 

Services offered: 

Detox – Our on-site detox clinic accommodates and supports clients as the body sheds all residual traces of crack cocaine. Clients are under medical supervision during the detox process to ensure that they remain safe and comfortable. 

Addiction Treatment –  During our addiction treatment program, clients will engage in introductory therapies and exercises that work to prepare them for continued, more intensive treatment outside of our facility. The goal of our addiction treatment track is to stabilize clients so that they are treatment-ready. 

Mental Health Treatment – Our mental health treatment program introduces behavioral therapies rooted in self-expression and holistic exercise. Art therapy, music therapy, and yoga are just a few forms of therapy we offer at the center. Our goal is to help the client reclaim their voice and expose them to treatment within a professional facility. 

Aftercare Planning – Aftercare is designed for individuals who have benefitted from our introductory addiction services and are transitioning into a more intensive addiction treatment program. Once a client is stabilized, they will be encouraged to pursue continued addiction treatment. Our experienced case managers will then work with our clients to place them in a program that addresses their specific wants and needs. Addiction is difficult to overcome alone. If you feel that you or a loved one is struggling with crack cocaine addiction, our specialists are on standby and ready to help. Call Knoxville Recovery Center and speak with an addiction expert today.

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