Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in Recovery

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in Recovery

Introduction Let’s learn about breaking the stigma in recovery. There has been a significant shift in how society perceives mental health and addiction. Yet, despite progress, stigmas still persist, casting shadows of shame and misunderstanding over those who grapple with mental health challenges while navigating the path of recovery. In this blog, we delve into…


Pseudoaddiction Vs. Addiction: What You Need to Know

Pseudoaddiction and true addiction are two concepts related to substance abuse and medication use that can be easily confused but have distinct differences. Pseudoaddiction refers to behaviors that mimic addiction but result from inadequate pain management. In contrast, addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite the harmful…


What is the Difference Between Ritalin and Adderall?

Both Ritalin and Adderall are prescription medications used to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Studies have shown that, overall, Adderall has a higher rate of efficacy using lower doses. Regardless of their utility for practical medical purposes, both medications are commonly abused and have high rates of addiction. They are also considered gateway drugs to…

movies about drug addiction

12 Best Movies About Drug Addiction

Watching movies about drug addiction can be a scary experience for some people. Not only do movies about drug abuse make viewers feel uncomfortable, but they also trigger emotions and memories that viewers can’t forget. But that’s okay. Because this list doesn’t just offer viewers a look at movies about drug addiction for their entertainment….

family roles in addiction

The 8 Family Roles in Addiction: Which One Are You?

Family roles in addiction are present in even the most dysfunctional families since addiction is considered a family disease. Within any family unit, each individual has a certain job to do that keeps the family running smoothly and allows for equilibrium and harmony. When somebody in the family has a drug or alcohol issue, the…


What is Fentanyl and Why is it So Dangerous?‍

Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid painkiller. It’s usually used to treat patients with chronic cancer pain that is unresponsive to other measures. But this substance is also incredibly dangerous and addictive, leading the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to categorize it as one of the most dangerous drugs in existence at this moment. Although…