Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in Recovery

Breaking the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in Recovery

Introduction Let’s learn about breaking the stigma in recovery. There has been a significant shift in how society perceives mental health and addiction. Yet, despite progress, stigmas still persist, casting shadows of shame and misunderstanding over those who grapple with mental health challenges while navigating the path of recovery. In this blog, we delve into…


Is Your Loved One Addicted To Adderall?

In today’s society, our attention is captured by our cell phones, social media, and the news. Sitting still and enjoying the moment seems like a concept of the past. For people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sitting still and focusing on one thing, unfortunately, does not exist. To battle this neurobiological disorder, a doctor will often prescribe…


What is Fentanyl and Why is it So Dangerous?‍

Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid painkiller. It’s usually used to treat patients with chronic cancer pain that is unresponsive to other measures. But this substance is also incredibly dangerous and addictive, leading the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to categorize it as one of the most dangerous drugs in existence at this moment. Although…

cocaine addiction

How to Help a Child Who Is a Meth Addict

As a parent, there is nothing more disheartening than finding out that your child has become addicted to a dangerous drug like meth. Thankfully, we at Knoxville Recovery Center have extensive experience in treating individuals who have fallen into the trap of methamphetamine addiction. It is only natural to feel a mixture of emotions during…