Pregnancy is a time of incredible change. From the physical to the psychological, you can expect your body to undergo some major changes, which may not be all that fun. One thing that is often overlooked by pregnant woman and their doctors is the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. While most people drink responsibly, if you are pregnant, it’s important to be aware of the risks of drinking during this period. If you are wondering about how much alcohol is safe for your unborn child, take a look at these statistics.

 The Dangers of Alcoholism During Pregnancy

Excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). This is a complex disorder that causes physical and cognitive disabilities in children. FAS is the most common known form of child abuse, with approximately 3 percent of children being affected. On average, there are 11 cases of FAS per 1,000 live births.

A common misconception is that alcohol doesn’t affect fetal development. However, this is not true. Alcohol causes problems with your baby’s central nervous system, which can cause lifelong disabilities. The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome are primarily on the physical and mental health of the child. It can also cause dysmorphic features such as an unaligned head and a flattened nose, cleft lips or a large tongue, small jaw, and low-set ears, as well as increased incidence of heart defects. Women who drink during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with FASD than those who don’t drink at all.

 There are also other problems associated with excessive drinking during pregnancy including:

– Prenatal mental disorders

– Fetal death

– Low birth weight

– Preterm delivery

– Miscarriage

– Fetal growth restriction

– Stillbirths

How to Know if You Need Help

If you think that you might need to get help, here are some signs that might indicate that you should talk to your doctor.

– You suddenly crave alcohol.

– You feel irritable or moody when not drinking.

– You have a hard time remembering things or making decisions without being drunk.

– Your partner tells you that they have been noticing a change in your behavior and that you’re not the same person they knew before getting pregnant.

 What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

The symptoms of alcohol abuse vary depending on a person’s tolerance. Some people drink heavily and don’t experience any negative effects, while others may be more sensitive to the effects of alcohol. If you are drinking during pregnancy, there are some potential dangers to your baby that you should be aware of.

If you have been drinking heavily during pregnancy, it can lead to low birth weight, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Additionally, if your child is born addicted to drugs or alcohol, there are special programs that can help with this issue.

 What Should a Pregnant Woman Do?

If you are pregnant, the AAFP recommends that you abstain from alcohol or have only one or two drinks per week. This recommendation is based on the fact that any amount of alcohol can be harmful to your unborn child. Additionally, women who drink during pregnancy may face a higher risk for miscarriage. If you do decide to drink while pregnant, it’s important to speak with your doctor before doing so.

In addition to abstaining from alcohol during this time, it is also advised that women do not binge drink when they are pregnant. Binge drinking is defined as having five drinks in a row within two hours. A woman should also refrain from going out with friends when she’s not feeling well and should avoid drinking if she already has morning sickness symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

 We’re Here For You 

Alcohol is one of the most commonly consumed substances in society, and it’s a substance that many pregnant women enjoy. But alcohol can affect your pregnancy in ways you may not be aware of. The dangers of alcohol during pregnancy are often underestimated, which means that too many women are putting themselves and their unborn child at risk of developing problems such as fetal alcohol syndrome or mental health disorders, like alcoholism.

The decision to drink during pregnancy is a personal one. If you have any concerns about the risks of alcohol during this time, talk to your doctor, who will help you make an informed decision. Fortunately, help is available for those battling alcoholism. Depending on the stage of an individual’s addiction, they may require detox, an intensive treatment program, or both. Fortunately, Knoxville Recovery Center offers various services to those struggling with this addiction. 

Services offered: 

Detox – Our on-site detox clinic accommodates and supports clients as the body sheds all residual traces of alcohol. Clients are under medical supervision during the detox process to ensure that they remain safe and comfortable. 

Addiction Treatment –  During our addiction treatment program, clients will engage in introductory therapies and exercises that work to prepare them for continued, more intensive treatment outside of our facility. The goal of our addiction treatment track is to stabilize clients so that they are treatment-ready. 

Mental Health Treatment – Our mental health treatment program introduces behavioral therapies rooted in self-expression and holistic exercise. Art therapy, music therapy, and yoga are just a few forms of therapy we offer at the center. Our goal is to help the client reclaim their voice and expose them to treatment within a professional facility. 

Aftercare Planning – Aftercare is designed for individuals who have benefitted from our introductory addiction services and are transitioning into a more intensive addiction treatment program. Once a client is stabilized, they will be encouraged to pursue continued addiction treatment. Our experienced case managers will then work with our clients to place them in a program that addresses their specific wants and needs.

Addiction is difficult to overcome alone. If you feel that you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, our specialists are on standby and ready to help. Call Knoxville Recovery Center and speak with an addiction expert today.

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