If you are in recovery from a Xanax addiction, this means that you have worked very hard to get where you are right now. However, part of being in recovery is making a commitment to do your very best to stay sober and to not relapse. 

With that being said, nobody is perfect. We at Knoxville Recovery Center in Tennessee understand this completely. That is why we would like to provide you with a few helpful tips to keep you on track to help you stay sober from your Xanax addiction. 

Avoid Old Routines and Habits

It is pretty obvious that if you want to quit using Xanax, you had better not hang out with your former drug dealer, even if you consider them to be a friend of yours. Spending time with the people that you used to party with when you used Xanax is not a good idea. 

Be sure to avoid frequenting places where you know you can easily get your hands on pills, or simply don’t spend time in locations where you used to use Xanax with others. Visiting these places may make you too nostalgic for the “good old days” and may cause you to want to use again. 

Identify Your Personal Triggers That Helped Spark Your Xanax Addiction

To prevent you from going into a relapse situation, you need to take an honest look at your life and understand what factors went into you developing your Xanax addiction in the first place. Once you have identified what they are, you can create a plan on how to deal with these triggers in a smart and healthy way. 

Some people start taking Xanax because they feel stressed out due to problems at work or because they have financial issues. Others are emotionally distressed, often due to troubles within their relationships. Whatever makes you crave the temporary feeling of calm that Xanax provides, know that through alternative methods such as mindfulness and meditation, you can obtain the peacefulness you seek in a drug-free way.

Expect to Still Be Experiencing Some Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have made it through the initial Xanax withdrawal period, the most dangerous and perhaps the worst part of detoxing is behind you. However, be aware that this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are out of the woods yet. Mentally preparing for the way you might feel at some point may help you avoid a possible relapse. 

For weeks or even months after your Xanax withdrawal period is over, some people experience what is known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome, or (PAWS). During a period of weeks or even months, you may experience changes in mood and psychological functioning. The severity of PAWS depends on the person. Here are some symptoms you may experience:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Intense drug cravings
  • Memory and learning issues
  • Irritability
  • Obsessive-compulsiveness
  • General sense of disinterest
  • Not interacting well with others
  • Becoming easily stressed out

Knoxville Recovery Center is Here to Help

Are you struggling with staying sober? There is nothing wrong with continuing to seek help for your Xanax addiction. We at Knoxville Recovery Center know how difficult it can be to remain committed to your goal when temptation is staring at you in the face. 

If you are still suffering from withdrawal symptoms, don’t go through them alone. Our addiction specialists are highly trained and experienced in substance abuse treatment and relapse prevention. We will help you feel better by lifting you up and keeping you on the path to sobriety. Contact an addiction specialist today so that we may help free you of your Xanax addiction once and for all.

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