The only thing potentially more damaging to a person’s health and wellbeing than drug abuse is combining drug abuse with alcohol abuse. Both alcohol and meth are extremely dangerous and addictive substances. These substances can have several adverse effects on a person’s health and wellbeing. However, the negative effects of alcohol and meth can be made significantly worse when combined.   

The Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is a legal beverage for adults in the United States who are over the age of twenty-one. However, just because alcohol is legal for adults of a certain age does not mean it is safe. There are several risks a person takes when drinking alcohol, especially in excess. 

When consumed, alcohol affects a person’s body and mind. As one continues to consume alcohol, they raise their blood alcohol concentration (BAC), making them more and more physically and mentally impaired. This impairment typically results in poor coordination, judgment, and behavior. From this, a person intoxicated by alcohol can negatively impact their health, finances, occupation, and relationships.   

The Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

When a person loses their ability to control how much alcohol they consume, especially over prolonged periods of time, that person has developed alcohol use disorder — also known as alcoholism. Individuals living with alcohol use disorder often experience several negative effects on their life and wellbeing, including:

  • Loss of friend and family relationships
  • Job loss
  • Financial troubles
  • Weakened immune system
  • Liver problems
    • Fatty liver
    • Alcoholic hepatitis
    • Cirrhosis
    • Fibrosis
  • Heart problems
    • Cardiomyopathy
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • High blood pressure
    • Stroke
  • Changes in the brain
  • Higher risk for cancer

What is Meth? 

Meth or methamphetamine is a powerful and highly addictive drug that affects an individual’s central nervous system when consumed. Typically, meth can be found in the form of a white, crystal-like powder. Unlike alcohol, meth is a stimulant. While alcohol slows the human body’s functions and reactions down, meth will speed these functions and reactions up — often giving a person who consumes it a burst of energy.   

The Effects of Meth on the Body 

Meth consumption and a meth addiction can be the cause of several negative effects on a person’s life and body. Like alcoholism, a meth addiction can affect nearly all areas of a person’s life, resulting in financial trouble, job loss, strained relationships, and poor health.  

An individual with a meth addiction can expect to experience a variety of serious effects on their health, including:  

  • Psychosis
    • Hallucinations
    • Paranoia
  • Changes in the brain’s structure and function
  • Deficits in thinking
  • Deficits in motor skills
  • Increased distractibility
  • Memory loss
  • Mood swings
  • Aggressive or violent behavior
  • Dental problems 
  • Weight loss

Dangers of Combining Alcohol and Meth

The combination of alcohol abuse and drug abuse is especially dangerous. An individual who engages in this kind of abuse will likely face a number of consequences to their health and life in general. An individual who combines alcohol with meth is at risk for developing any of the health-related issues associated with either substance on their own, but by combining them, the individual creates even more risks to their health and wellbeing. 

Oftentimes, a person will combine a stimulant (meth) with a depressant (alcohol) to try to achieve a balance. The goal in this instance is to not slow themselves down or speed themselves up too much. However, this desired effect is not possible. These substances do not cancel each other out or create a balance of any kind. In fact, alcohol often interferes with how the body metabolizes meth, which can enhance the stimulating effects of the drug — rather than lessening them. 

However, the most significant risk a person faces when combining alcohol and meth is the risk of an overdose. By consuming two different and powerful substances, an individual quickly becomes impaired beyond reason. In doing so, it can make it extremely difficult for them to keep track of how much alcohol or meth they are consuming. Without being aware of how much one consumes, one can easily overdose.  

Searching for Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Abuse? 

If you or a loved one is living with alcohol abuse, drug abuse, or alcohol and drug abuse problem, recovery is an option. At Knoxville Recovery Center, our addiction specialists offer a variety of proven and effective alcohol and drug addiction treatments and treatment programs that can help a person become sober and stay sober. Contact us today for more information! 

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